This week, we recieved a talk about education investment. I'm not good at economics because I'm from science but I'm going to explain what I understood. The man said that it was useless investing in education because we do not know how much money do we need to invest and the ministry wants more money than they already have. One question that I found interesting was the following: Where do you have to invest in education? I found it intriguing because if you stop to think, I don't know where to invest because you don't have money for every step of everyone's formation. So, where would you invest? In primary, university, schools, teachers...? Another question that he asked us was How education is helping you to achieve your goals? And he answered that we have to know what do we want to achieve. Moreover, he talked about the role of education in our society. He asked if it was important for a great development of a society or if it weren´t. Obviously, we told him that education is the base and the future of every society and country, and if our population don't recieve a good education it's very difficult to improve. Also, he gave us some arguments for investing more in education. For example, he said that education will help us to achieve a better society and it will make our economy stronger, which means more jobs.
Nowadays, workers are different because they're more educated and they know what they deserve. What's more, there're more workers now than fifty years before. That develops a problem to invest money on education. Finally, after have explained us some data about economic development, he asked us again if we should invest more in education (IRR, which is the net interest that the bank is offering you) because there are more costs (fees, transport, material, lunch, location, time, job) than benefits (increase of wages), so seen from that point of view, it isn't profitable to invest on eduaction.
To sum up, we told him that education is more important than money and profitability, so everyone deserve a great education, both the poor and the rich.
The other day of this week, we talked about the curriculum, which is what a teacher has to teach. The teacher explained us how a curriculum is like. First, we have the low, which in Spain is call LOE/LOMCE, which are the common objectives for every school. Next, the educational proyect of the school, every school has an objective according to their values. Finally, we have the teachers, who have their own guide which includes objectives of the course and subject, contents, metodology, activities and evaluation.
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